Our best ‘all round’ printer for standard oblong and shortened oblong number plates. Unlike most printers used to print number plates this printer is specifically made for the job.
This printer can be mounted on an assembly board making it the printer of choice when space saving is a priority. When used with our tablet based software also mounted on the assembly board it has the smallest foot print by far compared to other systems.
Working in pairs and loaded with reflective number plate panels on a roll these printers speed up the process of making lots on number plates. Because the reflective panels are on a roll the printable surface is only exposed to the working environment just prior to printing making this the most desirable solution when looking for high print quality delivered fast in a tough environment.
Designed for operators wanting to keep costs down this entry level printer produces good quality number plats using the laser film and substrate method. Initial purchase costs are low, and the printer is capable of printing all sizes of number plates. Ideal for startups or first-time in-house number plate production this printer can be exchanged for a professional range printer if required.
Our most versatile printer. Advanced firmware gives the printer the capability to print to both laser film in full colour and reflective in mono. Suited to a broad range of operators from dealerships to motor factors this printer delivers excellent number plates and has sign printing capability.
Our flag ship number plate printer with built in features specifically engineered for number plate printing. When used with our software this printer is capable of printing number plates of any size.